
敬啟者 :




鑑於《2012個人資料(私隱)(修訂)條例》就使用個人資料作直接促銷活動所作出之修訂已於2013年4 月1日生效,梓峰教育有限公司(“梓峰教育”)及E.L.S.A Edu. Limited (“E.L.S.A.”) 籍此通知閣下 , 本公司使用閣下之個人資料方面的原則。

為了可通知閣下有關於下列的最新消息及推廣 :

1. 梓峰教育或 E.L.S.A. 的教育服務、產品及項目的最新消息及推廣;

2. 梓峰教育、E.L.S.A.或支持機構所提供的或舉辦的教育服務、產品、培訓、節目及其他活動的最新消息及推廣 ;


依照該條例第VIA部 (有關直接促銷的新規定),梓峰教育及E.L.S.A.將僅會在已取得閣下的同意或並無反對的情況下才使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷活動。


梓峰教育及E.L.S.A.期望閣下能同意我們繼續使用閣下的個人資料 (包括閣下的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址),以便我們將最新動向及資訊通知閣下。如閣下不願意梓峰教育或E.L.S.A.使用閣下的個人資料作上述用途,或選擇不再收取梓峰教育或ELSA的宣傳/推廣資訊,敬請透過以下途徑回應 :

連同閣下的姓名電郵至info@dunn.hk, 標題列明[拒收直接促銷通知]






Given that the new regulatory requirements for direct marketing under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of Laws of Hong Kong) due to take effect on and from 1st April 2013, Dunn’s Education Limited (Dunn) and E.L.S.A. Edu. Limited (E.L.S.A.) would like to draw your attention to our principles on the use of your personal data.

Dunn and E.L.S.A. has been sending education related information and promotions to you, including information on:

1. Education related services, products and projects promotion, activities or events of Dunn or E.L.S.A.;

2. Education related services, products, seminars, training, events and other activities provided or organized by the partners and supporting organizations of Dunn or E.L.S.A.;

With reference to the new Part VI A under the aforesaid ordinance, Dunn or E.L.S.A. will only use your personal data in direct marketing activities as listed above under your consent or an indication of no objection of the data subject.


Dunn and E.L.S.A. would like to continue the use of your personal data in order that we could keep you updated on our news and information. (Such as your name, telephone number, email). If you do not want us to use your personal data for aforesaid purposes or opt not to receiving any more promotion messages from us, please let us know via any one of the following ways:

By email to info@dunn.hk with your name, email and titled [Opt-out Reply]

Thank you for taking time to familiarize yourself with the notification. For any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at 26910800


With regards,

Dunn’s Education Limited

April, 2013

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